UPSC NDA Exam-2022, Anurag Sangwan Tops All India Rank 1

Anurag Sangwan, a 17-year-old from Chandniillage in Haryana, found it hard to believe when he learned he had won the National Defence Academy and Naval Academy Examination (II), 2022.

Apr 22, 2023 - 09:57
Apr 24, 2023 - 04:39
UPSC NDA Exam-2022, Anurag Sangwan Tops All India Rank 1
The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) administered the written test on September 4, 2022. The Services Selection Board (SSB) of the Ministry of Defence then conducted the Personal Interview (PI) round of the qualified applicants for admission to the Army, Navy, and Air Force wings of the National Defence Academy, Indian Naval Academy.

Anurag Sangwan, a 17-year-old from Chandniillage in Haryana, found it hard to believe when he learned he had won the National Defence Academy and Naval Academy Examination (II), 2022. "The outcomes were the result of a year's worth of devoted effort. I was confident that I would do well on the test. I sincerely believe that choosing the proper preparation strategy is essential for success in any competitive test. I could taste achievement via persistent study, which helped me get closer to the job of my dreams, says Anurag.

Anurag, who earned the top spot in the competition, had to manage his time well because he was also getting ready for the class XII CBSE board test this year.

Studying for two exams with vastly different test formats required careful planning. "I was able to distinguish between the themes that will appear in both tests' overlapping and non-overlapping sections of the syllabus. I understood all of the fundamental ideas covered in the CBSE class XII Mathematics and Physics course. I did well in both tests thanks to this, adds Anurag.

Strategies- "General knowledge and current events were included in the non-overlapping portion. I thus made it a point to pay close attention to the most recent events and developments occurring worldwide, particularly concerning political and military matters. To improve my general knowledge, I read annual novels and monthly current events periodicals, he continues.

I felt the need to seek mentorship from the topic specialists because this was my first attempt at the NDA examination. Anurag, whose father works for the government, whose mother is a stay-at-home mom, and whose grandparents are retired teachers, adds that "doubt-clearing sessions from the faculty of PhysicsWallah also helped me to move in the right direction for exam preparation without wasting precious time." 

My family is my rock of stability. The strain of studying for two tests might be detrimental to one's health. Regular rest periods are necessary for renewal. To keep my mental health under control and be ready for physical examinations, I would practise yoga, go to the gym or run," explains Anurag, who may watch his favourite movie, Border, numerous times to unwind.

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