5 hard to kill plants for beginners 

If the thought of keeping a plant alive makes you sweat, don't worry: you can still enjoy the lush life by choosing plants that complement your area and lifestyle. Continue reading for experts' top suggestions for novices looking to spend their time amidst some greenery

Jul 7, 2023 - 12:13
Jul 9, 2023 - 01:48
5 hard to kill plants for beginners 

With all of the wonderful, plant-filled interior spaces I've seen recently, it seems like any area might benefit from a little greenery. Even science agrees: NASA's famed Clean Air project found that certain indoor plants can naturally remove pollutants such as formaldehyde and ammonia from the air. Other studies demonstrate that simply having plants nearby enhances attention, reduces anxiety, and boosts productivity. Another research discovered that merely touching a plant causes an unconscious soothing response. 

1. Sansevieria (Aka Snake Plant And Mother In Law's Tongue)

"If you want a plant that can withstand a lot of neglect—not that I advocate such treatment—this is the one," says Danae Horst, owner of Folia Collective in Eagle Rock, California. "As long as there is some natural light in the room, Sansevierias can tolerate very low light and have leaves that store water, allowing them to go for longer stretches between watering."

With over 60 distinct species of sansevieria, forms can range from the traditional "snake plant" appearance to more unusual possibilities like starfish (S. cylindrica "boncel") or whale fins (S. masoniana)—ideal for eye-catching décor. 

2. Hoya (Aka Wax Plant)

Do you have a place where you can grow hanging or trailing plants? Then perhaps a hoya will do.

These waxy-leaved plants require a lot of bright, filtered light (no direct sunlight). For the greatest results, Horst suggests allowing the soil to dry almost completely between waterings. These vines will climb if they have a trellis or stake, or you may let them trail over the sides of the pot. "Over time, they put out the most amazing-looking little flowers!" exclaims Horst.

3. Ficus Elastica (Aka Rubber Plant)

According to Deanna Florendo, a San Francisco-based plant stylist, and curator of Habit Pattern, ficus elastica would be the ideal plant to occupy a wide space in a dimly lit area.

It is highly forgiving when it comes to forgotten watering and thrives in reduced light levels. Occasionally wiping off to remove dust and wet stains from its enormous, glossy leaves may be necessary, but other than that, not much maintenance is required. Florendo advises repotting ficus elastica plants around every two years. 

4. Dracaena Marginata

The dracaena marginata, sometimes known as the dragon tree, is another of everyone's favorites. 

It's a lovely, drought-resistant plant that is excellent for novices, she claims. It thrives in partial shade and low light, but prefers medium light. Additionally, she points out that this plant has the potential to grow extremely tall, sometimes exceeding six feet even inside, making it a wonderful complement for rooms with high ceilings.

5. Monstera Deliciosa (Aka Swiss Cheese Plant)

The widespread monstera deliciosa has acquired popularity among plant enthusiasts due to the unusual splits and cuts on its dark, glossy leaves. It can withstand a little amount of drought but needs bright to medium indirect light and medium water.

In the words of Mickey Hargitay Plants' Rhiannon Cramm, "Your Monstera won't hold a grudge if you fail to water it. Monsteras are simple to grow from cuttings, so you can end up with monstera offspring to share. A healthy Monstera can produce a voluminous plant that may require trimming.

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